Our Services

In addition to the products we sell, Advanced Surface Microscopy provides a number of services.

Analytical Services

Since 1990 Advanced Surface Microscopy has been one of the leading independent Atomic Force Microscopy laboratories. We are pioneers in the field, Measuring and analyzing a wide range of surfaces in many industries. From automotive paint to ultra-smooth semiconductor materials, from wear patterns to coating imperfections, we can help you identify and solve problems.

NanoScope Repair

Are you having problems with your own NanoScope brand Atomic Force Microscope? We can provide repair and upgrade services. Some problems can be diagnosed and solved remotely. For others we can test, and usually fix, problems in our facility or one of our technicians can come to you to make repairs on site.

Expert Services

Our experts can provide you with training and consulting to help you get the most from your NanoScope brand Atomic Force Microscope. We also have experience providing expert testimony in legal cases involving the surface structure of materials and devices.

We Buy NanoScopes

Have a NanoScope brand Atomic Force Microscope that you’re no longer using? Talk to us. We buy NanoScopes to refurbish and resell.